Friday, November 1, 2013

He Played Golf

I had never really given much thought to golf. It seemed pretty lame. It was something my grandparents and their elderly friends did for fun, which made it instantly uncool.

But when I turned 12 and they started letting kids sign up for extracurricular activities at Kimpton Jr. High School, I scanned the sign up sheets taped to the wall and was shocked to find that two very cute boys that I had been captivated by had signed up

Clearly, I had misjudged golf and written it off too quickly because if Brian and Doug liked it, it must have some magic fairy dust to sprinkle on me, too.

Being a 7th grader, I didn't have any golf clubs. This troubled me because the sign up sheet clearly stated that you needed your own clubs., I knew that my Grandparents who lived right next door had golf clubs and I couldn't imagine why they wouldn't want their 12-year old granddaughter to borrow them for 6 weeks.

Since Grandparents always say yes, they agreed to lend me two golf clubs suitable for the driving range which is where our lessons began.

I had designed a foolproof plan to worm my way into the attention of the two blonde honeys who prompted me to take up the boring sport of golf... My Mom didn't drive and my dad worked late, so I had to get a ride with another kid's mom.  Hmmm. Who to ask, who to ask... Maybe Brian or Doug's mom could give me a ride home?

Doug's mom agreed to give me rides, and this helped me narrow down if I should I like Doug or Brian  - since I was in the car with Doug, it made total sense to focus on him!

Every week, I would get in his car, get dropped off at my house, and leave my homework in his backseat.  Then, a little later, I'd call, apologize profusely for the intrusion, and ask him about my homework. He probably just thought I was blonde and forgetful, not knowing my memory lapses were part of an elaborate scheme to woo him.

We hit buckets of balls, we rode around town in the backseat of his Mom's car, we talked about homework assignments on the phone -  I had him right where I wanted him!

Until the day he came to school and said he was moving because his Dad's job was being transferred to Detroit.

I never golfed again.

Lessons learned-  Golf is super boring, Detroit is evil, and I should have gone for Brian.

Monday, October 7, 2013

He Carried a Briefcase

I wasn't having much luck finding love in the halls of Fishcreek Elementary School, so I started broadening my horizon and looking for love in a place probable hardly anyone finds love- the Baptist Church Youth Group. I scanned the room for likely suspects and saw one boy that my Mom liked who shook our hands and said "May the Lord's blessings be upon you." when we walked into the church, and I was a rock and roll Baptist and he was far too holy and formal for me.

Then I saw a boy who was super cute and very dreamy, but my Catholic BFF Michelle was crashing Baptist Youth group with me to stalk him to the dismay of everyone. Her parents were furious, his parents didn't want him cavorting with a Catholic and I didn't want to get in the middle of that drama, so I kept looking.

There was a third option, a little on the questionable side, but after weighing my options decided this was the best path to pursue. He was very cute, but very weird. He wore a 3 piece suit and carried a briefcase at 13. This was not a popular clothing choice.

He was in some after-school Jr. Achievement Group that taught him to "dress for success" and he didn't realize that while a 3-piece suit may spell success in corporate America, it did NOT spell success at Kimpton Jr. High. It spelled "get stuffed into your locker and humiliated daily."

But- I was weird, too, so I wasn't put off by his eccentricity. I sat by him one night in church and kept inching my hand closer and closer to his until he got the hint and took it. We held hands. I felt electricity bolt through my body like lightning in my veins. A boy touched me. A real boy. Not a pillow boy. Not pretend Keith Partridge daydreams. Not imaginary Batman or Robin. (Yes, I fantasized about them, don't judge.)

That was it, We were an item. We held hands at church for weeks. We would get to youth group, join hands and didn't let go until our parents came back to pick us up.

But a few weeks into this hot romance, I noticed that his suit was smelling kind of sweaty and that I found that very unpleasant. I also noted that when I wanted to go talk to my friends, he kept being there and was clingy in a way I did not prefer. But I kept holding his hand for fear of ending up with the super holy boy my mom liked.

I was in a bind and had no idea how to escape. I didn't want to be his girlfriend anymore, but I couldn't be mean and hurt his feelings either. I had (and still have) ZERO killer instinct.

My escape came in a somewhat tragic way - his older brother had a mental breakdown, did some terrible things, and the family left town in shame. I never saw him again.

Lesson I learned? Don't stay with the wrong boy just because you're afraid of being alone or think the next boy might be worse. He might be, but you never know until you try.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

He Made a Salt Map

With one heartbreak under my belt, I went my lonely way without JK, but kept the ring. Or as my friend Betsy would put it "Men leave, jewelry stays."

I was an avid reader, as was my mother. Reading was highly encouraged at home. We would pick a book and I would read it aloud to her while she was cooking or doing dishes. "What." you say, "You didn't have to help with dishes?" No. No I did not. Mama said I would have plenty of dishes to do when I was an adult and she'd rather hear me read. (Thanks Mama.)

Because of our reading passion, I was far ahead of others in my class on reading assignments at school and was very impatient for my fellow students to catch up when we had joint reading assignments. We used to use something called "SRA" reading cards which were color coded and had a section of reading for each color. I could read all the cards in my color before some kids could read one, and then I would go around the class and try to help the others, not because I was kind, but because I was bored and impatient and wanted them to finish.

I can't recall if it was 5th grade or 6th, and Mama isn't here to remind me anymore, but the school decided that there were a few kids such as myself who had progressed beyond the SRA readers and pulled us out of the normal reading class. They put us in some smart kids club where we could read higher level books and not disrupt other kids.

We would get projects to do that went along with the reading, such as making salt maps of the places we were reading about, or building Abe Lincoln's log cabin out of singed popsicle sticks. One could assume I had ADD, but back in the 60's elementary school world, there was no name for it and they just kept us busy or spanked us.

One day we got assigned to make a map of Ohio to go along with some local history we read and I got home very excited, made my salt dough map and took it to school the next day even though it wasn't due for the next week. (Giant nerd.)

A fellow nerd in this class of 5 was JH and he was very tall and very quiet and although we had been in school together since kindergarten he had rarely acknowledged my existence. But on this particular evening, our home phone rang and my mother answered and said it was a Boy. For me!

He was calling to get the recipe for a Salt Dough Map. For your enlightenment, here are the ingredients... Salt. Flour. Water. The end. I gave him the recipe and directions for how to make his map and bake it because after having done it once, I was, after all, the expert between the two of us.

I got off the phone and my Dad started teasing me. He said boys don't call girls to get recipes, that JH probably liked me and just wanted an excuse to call. Could it be? Was strong silent type JH secretly pining away for me? I got my hopes up. I went to school the next day with that Lucy/Schroeder vibe with giant cartoon hearts dancing above my head. I batted my eyes. I said "Hiiiiii JH"in the sing-songy way 12 year old girls can do. But JH did not notice and didn't speak to me just like all the other days prior to the Salt Map call.

I went home and relayed that info to my parents. It was their firm belief  that he was probably just too shy to talk to me and I should try again tomorrow. Writing and reflecting about this now, I think I would be justified in blaming my entire lifetime of trying to get men to notice me on JH and my parent's lame advice...

JH brought his salt map in and it was divine. His rivers so blue, his hills so pronounced. I complimented him on his artistry and he shrugged it off as though he'd made a million of them and this was just another. Only I knew his secret- that he didn't even know the recipe three days before!

After repeated (and embarrassing) attempts to get him to talk to me for the rest of the school year, I finally gave up and deduced that his shyness must be CRIPPLING.

JH called me a total of 3 times throughout our 12 years in school together. All three times was to get the Salt Dough recipe.

Lesson learned - Sometimes there are no hidden meanings and sometimes your parents are wrong.

Friday, August 30, 2013

He Fell off the Bike

As summer passed, JK continued to wow me with his mad bike skills. I wore the ring he gave me until my finger had outgrown it, which took awhile as it had a convenient adjustable band.

One day he yelled at me and Mama as we were outside trimming the lilacs. "Mrs Rorabaugh! Tammy! Look what I can do!" He  raced down our unpaved road with playing cards in his spokes making a clickety-clack sound with each turn of the pedals. As he approached the bottom of the hill, he slammed on his breaks and spun the handlebars with a hard turn.

Instead of spinning and stopping as I believe he intended to do, he flew over his handlebars. landed on the ground, cut his lip open and cried.  I yelled "That's okay JK! I think it was a really good trick even though you fell!"

That was the last day he ever did bike tricks for me.

I passed his house every week on the way to my 4-H meeting, and he'd wave, but would not make eye contact- his head would droop to the ground and he'd lift his hand in my general direction. I told Mama I didn't understand why he was mad at me, and she said he wasn't mad at me, he was mad at himself. I didn't get it and she said that's because I was too young to understand the male ego.

In Jr. High, I ran into him at a party and he told me he had started smoking pot, and that all the colors were brighter when he was high and that I should smoke pot, too. He indicated he might want me to be his girlfriend again if only I'd smoke some pot.

But I had a science teacher named Mrs. Brees who did an experiment where she pumped marijuana smoke into the classroom aquarium and all the fish swam into the glass and died, so as cute as JK was, I didn't want to swim into glass or die in order to hang out with him so I passed on the weed.

End of relationship #1.

Monday, August 26, 2013

He Gave Me a Ring...

Not every girl gets an engagement ring at the age of 5, but I did. He lived at the corner of our street. He had dark hair and eyes and dimples galore. He could do tricks on his bike and, being that I was 5,  I was easily impressed.

He would ride up and down the hill all day and shout "Watch THIS Tammy!" and then he would pop a wheelie or spin around super fast, or slam on his breaks without flipping over the handlebars! I thought he was the most awesome thing ever.
One day at the bus stop, he sheepishly reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring with one red stone and one mint green stone still cocooned inside the bubble it came in when it dropped out of the gum-ball machine. "This is for you!" he said. "Does it fit"?

It did fit because it was a ring whose size you could alter by squeezing the sides of it together. I put it on and beamed and he said "That's for when we get married someday."

That was the first time I fell for a line from a boy. That was the first time I believed that everything boys said to me was true. I was certain I would grow up and marry him. After all, I had a ring.