Friday, November 1, 2013

He Played Golf

I had never really given much thought to golf. It seemed pretty lame. It was something my grandparents and their elderly friends did for fun, which made it instantly uncool.

But when I turned 12 and they started letting kids sign up for extracurricular activities at Kimpton Jr. High School, I scanned the sign up sheets taped to the wall and was shocked to find that two very cute boys that I had been captivated by had signed up

Clearly, I had misjudged golf and written it off too quickly because if Brian and Doug liked it, it must have some magic fairy dust to sprinkle on me, too.

Being a 7th grader, I didn't have any golf clubs. This troubled me because the sign up sheet clearly stated that you needed your own clubs., I knew that my Grandparents who lived right next door had golf clubs and I couldn't imagine why they wouldn't want their 12-year old granddaughter to borrow them for 6 weeks.

Since Grandparents always say yes, they agreed to lend me two golf clubs suitable for the driving range which is where our lessons began.

I had designed a foolproof plan to worm my way into the attention of the two blonde honeys who prompted me to take up the boring sport of golf... My Mom didn't drive and my dad worked late, so I had to get a ride with another kid's mom.  Hmmm. Who to ask, who to ask... Maybe Brian or Doug's mom could give me a ride home?

Doug's mom agreed to give me rides, and this helped me narrow down if I should I like Doug or Brian  - since I was in the car with Doug, it made total sense to focus on him!

Every week, I would get in his car, get dropped off at my house, and leave my homework in his backseat.  Then, a little later, I'd call, apologize profusely for the intrusion, and ask him about my homework. He probably just thought I was blonde and forgetful, not knowing my memory lapses were part of an elaborate scheme to woo him.

We hit buckets of balls, we rode around town in the backseat of his Mom's car, we talked about homework assignments on the phone -  I had him right where I wanted him!

Until the day he came to school and said he was moving because his Dad's job was being transferred to Detroit.

I never golfed again.

Lessons learned-  Golf is super boring, Detroit is evil, and I should have gone for Brian.

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